
CES: Mobile computing revolution

Check out David Berlind's coverage of a number of devices that might change your mind about lugging a laptop around. He asks the question, "Are you ready to ditch your laptop?" and it's a question more and more people are willing to consider seriously.
Written by Marc Orchant, Contributor

Check out David Berlind's coverage of a number of devices that might change your mind about lugging a laptop around. He asks the question, "Are you ready to ditch your laptop?" and it's a question more and more people are willing to consider seriously. I know my continued exploration of trends in mobile computing have me convinced that there are many environments in which a laptop is not the best choice (like wandering around an insanely crowded event like CES for example).

David has write-ups and video of a number of very exciting new devices including:

  • The new Samsung Q1P SSD – a UMPC with a solid state hard drive.
  • The new OQO Model 2 which now runs Vista and is four times faster than the original model (and comes in sexy black rather than industrial metal). I had a chance to try this device at the Tablet PC meetup at CES and I can tell you the keyboard is a HUGE improvement over the original model!
  • The ruggedized Black Diamond Switchback UMPC device – what I'd call the extreme UMPC.
  • Seamless Internet's SX-GEN – a Windows CE powered device with a fold-out keyboard, pocket Office apps, and a wide range of connectivity capabilities.
New mobile computing options abound. None are perfect, none will meet every persons' needs, and none are particularly inexpensive (what new mobile gadget ever is?). But we have so many options to consider that the question David poses is well worth asking and the answer you come up with may surprise you.
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