
Guy Kawasaki achieves tech support greatness

What will those wild and crazy web 2.0 guys think of next? Guy Kawasaki, friendly proprietor of alltop.com, offered a MacBook Air loaner to one of his users -- all because the site was too slow on her iPhone. I believe this officially qualifies Guy as offering the best tech support in the known universe.
Written by Michael Krigsman, Contributor

What will those wild and crazy Web 2.0 guys think of next?

Guy Kawasaki, friendly proprietor of alltop.com, offered a MacBook Air loaner to one of his users -- all because the site was too slow on her iPhone. This officially qualifies Guy as offering the best tech support in the known universe. Enterprise software companies take note; this is the level of service we want from you!

Here's the exchange, which took place on Twitter (click to follow me):

Guy Kawasaki achieves tech support greatness

I asked Guy (over Twitter, of course) whether this is standard policy. His response: "? was tyypooo."

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