
Rupert Goodwins' diary

Friday 3/8/2001Fun from that rude little website which in deference to your sensibilities I'll call frobbedcompany.com.
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor
3/8/2001 Fun from that rude little website which in deference to your sensibilities I'll call frobbedcompany.com. A large web company has gone to the wall and its bodily parts thrown to the hyenas via the traditional drawing and quartering of the receivers' auction. A number of happy punters went away clutching state of the art computer systems at knock-down prices, no doubt losing the retail sector further sales of PCs and thus depressing the economy even further. But that's not the worst of it -- when they got home, what did they find but the dead company's client data still stored on the hard disks of their prizes. Pick the bones out of that, Data Protection Registrar. Privacy. I heard of that once. Wasn't it something to do with the twentieth century?
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