
Rupert Goodwins' Diary

Friday 12/03/2004It is, says Intel's happy press release, Centrino's first birthday! Congratulations, and isn't it growing up so quickly?
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor

Friday 12/03/2004
It is, says Intel's happy press release, Centrino's first birthday! Congratulations, and isn't it growing up so quickly? The precocious mobile technology has been spotted everywhere, from petrol stations in Norway to the crater of Mount Etna -- although it's not clear whether it can cope with everything Scandinavian truckers or spouts of red-hot Italian lava can throw at it. And who can deny Intel's parental pleasure as the company reports that "The trend of consumer adoption is reflected in the creation of exclusive laptop bag designs for Intel, by international fashion designer Julien Macdonald, to celebrate the growing role that technology plays in women's lives." Not quite sure how Centrino has added to this fashion statement -- perhaps the bags have special heart-shaped cut-outs through which one can gaze lovingly at the logo -- but it's still pleasing that wireless networking, once the uttermost height of geek, is now a suitable bedfellow for the most stylish.

I wouldn't want to spoil the birthday party by being churlish, but as Intel isn't actually having a party I'm on safe ground. The Pentium M may be a charming child, but where oh where is its promised younger sibling, the even more talented Dothan? And we just love those cute little mini-PCI cards with the wireless networking bits on: we'd love them even more if they had dual-band capabilities; what better birthday card could a young processor have? And as for Intel's press release claim that: " Now, with further technology innovations, Intel plans to build on the revolution that's taking place to create a world without wires," how about getting on board with your pals on IEEE 802.15.3a and agreeing some interoperability standards for ultrawideband?

Oh, sorry, that's all a bit harsh for a first-year-old's birthday party. Its lower lip is quivering and the eyes are welling up. So let's forget all that and just say well done, Centrino. Not a bad first twelve months on earth, not bad at all.

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