Home & Office

The homeowner's guide to systems development

As a business owner, you generally can't tell the IT professionals from the scammers without doing the project yourself first..
Written by Paul Murphy, Contributor

When it comes to do it yourself home improvement projects I find myself in the position the typical small business owner is in with respect to computer systems: full of confidence that I understand what I don't, and a bit bewildered that things keep turning out badly.

These things always look easier than they are, and because I'm only going to do them once there's a tendency to shoot myself in both feet first by cheaping out on tools and then by adapting the work plan as I learn what's really involved. As a public service, therefore - and not at all to work out the mental scarring from my most recent project "success" - I've formulated the lessons from do it yourself home improvement as the top three rules for in-house systems development:

Rule one: don't.

Rule two: every dollar you save by not getting a professional to do it, will cost you five or more dollars in reduced funtionality, increased operating cost, and delayed deployment.

Rule three: you can't tell the professionals from the scammers without doing the project yourself first.

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