
A quick holiday request

Here in the States, most of us are off for a holiday (it's Veteran's Day), so for those of you who have a few extra minutes, I have a request. I'm assembling an "online software stack" for the teachers at the various levels in our district.
Written by Christopher Dawson, Contributor

Here in the States, most of us are off for a holiday (it's Veteran's Day), so for those of you who have a few extra minutes, I have a request. I'm assembling an "online software stack" for the teachers at the various levels in our district. Basically, these are bookmarks that we'll preload on all student computers for online resources and activities.

Starfall.com is an obvious example for the younger kids. What else do you have? What are your favorite fun, educational, and reference sites for students? What do you like for high school kids? Middle school? Elementary and Pre-K?

Talk back below and let us know. I'll post them on Delicious.

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