
All systems are go for Firefox 3 launch; RC3 needed for Mac OSX only

All systems are go for the market launch of Firefox 3 for Windows and Linux but Mozilla plans another minor release candidate for the Mac OSX version due to plug-in problems introduced by Apple's 10.5.
Written by Paula Rooney, Contributor

All systems are go for the market launch of Firefox 3 for Windows and Linux but Mozilla plans another minor release candidate for the Mac OSX version due to plug-in problems introduced by Apple's 10.5.3 update.

That's the word from Mozilla's Firefox group, which held today what may be the final pre-release meeting for the much anticipated Firefox 3. Apparently, the Apple update causes the browser to hang. RC3 for Mac OSX  is being built and the update is expected to go live tomorrow, according to Mozilla.

It does not appear likely that the glitch will hold up the mid month launch of Firefox 3. The open source product is the second leading web browser on the market next to Microsoft's Internet Explorer with roughly 18 percent market share.

"QA will re do tests on OSX builds," according to meeting notes posted on the site today. "Windows and Linux RC2 builds will be copied over into RC3 folders."

Overall, Firefox 3 is in good shape and will soon be released, said one of the project's lead developers. The remaining 17 issues in the web browser update "are pretty well contained," said Mozilla phenomenologist and lead developer Mike Beltzner. "We're pretty confident we'll have them all resolved by the end of the week."

Last week, the Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg said Firefox 3 has recaptured the performance title and gave the browser a solid review.

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