
An EHR for cancer patients

U.S. Oncology has announced an electronic health record (EMR) system designed especially around the needs of cancer patients.
Written by Dana Blankenhorn, Inactive

U.S. Oncology has announced an electronic health record (EMR) system designed especially around the needs of cancer patients.

The iKnowMed system runs under Linux, follows the HL-7 standards for describing medical conditions, and will go through the CCHIT certification procedures so physicians can use HITECH stimulus money to get it.

The company building the software was bought by U.S. Oncology in 2004, and includes software pathways aimed at guiding care in a cost-effective manner. It also lets oncologists get quick access to appropriate clinical trials.

The company said it will have Webinar at 2 PM today on July 10 to explain all this to you. Click here to sign up. The company currently serves 458 centers with 1,227 physicians but hopes the new offering will increase those numbers.

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