
Apple announces Apple TV

Steve Jobs formally introduced the Apple TV (code named "iTV") during the keynote address at Macworld 2007 in San Francisco today. The new device will be available in February for $299.
Written by Ed Burnette, Contributor

Steve Jobs formally introduced the Apple TV (code named "iTV") during the keynote address at Macworld 2007 in San Francisco today. The new device will be available in February for $299.

(Credit: Engadget.com)

"Let's examine this in a little more detail. Just like in iTunes you can setup your Apple TV -- take my 10 most recent unwatched movies and it'll automatically stream in the background to Apple TV and be stored on the hard drive. So whenever I got to watch something, they're there. I can stream wirelessly from five computers. I can watch it from other computers in the house but it's not stored on the hard drive. PCs or Macs, I just choose the computer of my life."

Specs include: 

  • USB 2, Ethernet, WiFi, HDMI, component, audio, and optical out.
  • 20p high def video
  • 40GB hard drive
  • 802.11b/g/n
  • Intel processor

The media hub will stream content from up to 5 computers around your home.

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