
Apple announces augmented reality art classes

The new program, called [AR]T, will feature three classes, one of which is an AR walk.
Written by Jason Cipriani, Contributing Writer

Starting Aug. 10, Apple Stores worldwide will begin offering two new Today at Apple sessions dedicated to showing off the potential of augmented reality on an iPhone and iPad. There will be an "Amass" AR art piece, created by Nick Cave, in each store that customers can view using the [AR]T Viewer in the Apple Store app. You can visit any store and begin viewing the interactive art piece on your own, collecting "Ikon Elements" in the process. 

There will also be a 90-minute [AR]T lab, where participants will use the Swift Playgrounds app to create and interact with augmented reality objects and learn how to create AR apps of their own. The class was developed in partnership with New York artist Sarah Rothberg. 

A third [AR]T session involves taking participants on a walk to view and interact with art pieces in iconic parts of the select cities. The art walks will be available in Hong Kong, Tokyo, London, Paris, San Francisco, and New York. 

Apple has been touting the augmented reality capabilities of the iPhone and iPad for the past few years. Using dedicated apps that leverage Apple's software users can hold up a phone or tablet and view digital elements in the real world, and with a new push in Apple's retail stores, visitors are bound to ask questions about the people holding up their phones and looking at an art piece in the middle of the store. By educating users, and creating a buzz about AR in the Apple Store, and showing off development tools, hopefully, we'll begin to see more meaningful AR apps. 

You can sign up for any of the new Apple [AR]T session on the Today at Apple website.

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