
Apple expands DRM-free music selection [video]

At Macworld 2009 in San Francisco, Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of marketing, announces a new music price plan and an expanded selection of digital rights management-free songs in its iTunes Store. Users will be able to strip their existing DRM-wrapped music of the controversial copy protection software, but doing so will cost 30 cents per song.
Written by David Grober, Contributor

At Macworld 2009 in San Francisco, Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of marketing, announces a new music price plan and an expanded selection of digital rights management-free songs in its iTunes Store. Users will be able to strip their existing DRM-wrapped music of the controversial copy protection software, but doing so will cost 30 cents per song.

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Live Blogging: Schiller keynote at Macworld 2009

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