
Apple hits 3 billion app download mark

Is it just me or is Apple really trying to front run Google's Nexus One announcement?Apple said that there have been 3 billion applications downloaded on its App Store over the last 18 months.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

Is it just me or is Apple really trying to front run Google's Nexus One announcement?

Apple said that there have been 3 billion applications downloaded on its App Store over the last 18 months.

Apple's statement is just a friendly reminder that it is the big app dog on the blog. I'm sure it is a mere coincidence that Apple's release lands just a few hours before Google talks about Nexus One---and likely the Android app market.

Couple the Apple's App Store chatter with talk about its tablet creation and there's a concerted effort to head any Google buzz off at the pass. We'll cover Google's Nexus One rollout live beginning at 1 p.m. EST.


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