
Apple-Intel deal roundup

IT research houses will take a day or two to collect their thoughts on the Apple-Intel deal, but the blogosphere has been blazing with the news ever since CNET reported the rumor last Friday. The weekend’s skeptics were silenced once Steve Jobs made it official today, and latest reports say Wall Street isn't all that impressed with the move.
Written by Natalie Gagliordi, Contributor

IT research houses will take a day or two to collect their thoughts on the Apple-Intel deal, but the blogosphere has been blazing with the news ever since CNET reported the rumor last Friday. The weekend’s skeptics were silenced once Steve Jobs made it official today, and latest reports say Wall Street isn't all that impressed with the move. Here are some of more of the worthwhile takes so far:   

  • O'Reilly Make Blog (audio show)-- interview with Juptier Research’s Michael Gartenberg "live" at Apple's WWDC. Gartnerberg says that the transition to Intel is a "non-issue" for Apple customers who buy Macs because of the operating system, not for the PowerPC chip.  Also, look for the rhetoric between Microsoft and Apple to increase in the coming year (Longhorn vs. Leopard).
  • eWeek: New Macs: Intel Inside-- "The Apple is not just a computer. No one has a love affair with their HP; they have a love affair with the Apple. Apple will have to be [careful not to] lose hardware identity when getting the same 3.6GHz processor that all the other machines have." -- Steve Baker, analyst, The NPD Group.
  • Kottke.org: “The transition has been well prepared for by Apple for a number of years and looks like it will happen a lot more smoothly than all the over-the-weekend hand-wringing indicated that it would.”
  • Scobleizer: Skeptics can't believe Apple is giving IBM the boot.
  • Apple: WWDC 2005 Keynote Address (Video)

Update 6:06PM: News.com's Scott Ard has a sampling of reaction as well. ZDNet's David Berlind and Paul Murphy have also posted on the news...    

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