
Apple is recession proof

Back in December 2008 I blogged about Apple being recession-proof based on comments to that effect by financial analyst Shaw Wu and Apple COO, Tim Cook. TUAW notes that a panel on CNBC's Fast Money concurs, noting that AAPL shares have jumped 40% so far this year, outperforming the NASDAQ.
Written by Jason D. O'Grady, Contributor

Back in December 2008 I blogged about Apple being recession-proof based on comments to that effect by financial analyst Shaw Wu and Apple COO, Tim Cook. TUAW notes that a panel on CNBC's Fast Money concurs, noting that AAPL shares have jumped 40% so far this year, outperforming the NASDAQ.

The chart below (courtesy of Google Finance) shows how AAPL (blue) compared to the NASDAQ (red) over the last three months.

As for the stock's immediate future, the panel and Mr. Mark point to this summer's concurrent release of iPhone OS 3.0 and a likely new iPhone model as a powerful stimulus. Finally, Mr. Mark notes that it isn't often that an electronic gadget becomes more useful and valuable over time.

The numbers don't lie folks. While no one's completely immune to a slowing economy Apple has remained virtually recession-proof (so far).

Can they continue to buck the trend?

Tip: CNBC via TUAW


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