
Apple said to fire retail employees who filed bogus $100 iPhone credit claims

There's a rumor going around that as many as 800 Apple retail store employees used highly questionable tactics to cash in on the $100 store credit Apple offered early iPhone buyers for purchasing the device at $599 rather than the subsequently adjusted (and current) $399 level.Now how clueless is that- especially considering that Apple gave free iPhones to all their retail employees?
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

There's a rumor going around that as many as 800 Apple retail store employees used highly questionable tactics to cash in on the $100

store credit Apple offered early iPhone buyers for purchasing the device at $599 rather than the subsequently adjusted (and current) $399 level.

Now how clueless is that- especially considering that Apple gave free iPhones to all their retail employees?

For those employees who have been caught, nice career you had at Apple, thief.

And just try and use your iPhone when you are performing community service on the side of the road.

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