
Are you suffering from BlackBerry Tour trackball problems?

According to Electronista, the BlackBerry Tour has one major problem that has resulted in almost 50 percent of all Sprint's Tours being returned. The issue at hand is the Tour's trackball, which is reportedly clogging so quickly that users have to frequently clean it in order to keep it working.
Written by Jennifer Bergen, Contributor

According to Electronista, the BlackBerry Tour has one major problem that has resulted in almost 50 percent of all Sprint's Tours being returned. The issue at hand is the Tour's trackball, which is reportedly clogging so quickly that users have to frequently clean it in order to keep it working.

Verizon's Tours are also suffering from the same problem. Research in Motion hasn't made any comments on the complaint.

ZDNet's own Jason Perlow recently experienced a similar frustration with his BlackBerry Bold 9000. I haven't done much more than play with the new BlackBerry Tour for a few minutes, so I have no first-hand experience of this being a problem. Are there any Tour owners who have experienced the sticky trackball predicament? Conversely, is your Tour working like a dream? Let us know in the comment section below.

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