
As Sun's world turns (worse): The latest

In the just keeping you updated department, the board of Sun Microsystems is scheduled to meet Wednesday over the IBM bid---err lack of one. Meanwhile, a large Sun shareholder dumped its stake.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

In the just keeping you updated department, the board of Sun Microsystems is scheduled to meet Wednesday over the IBM bid---err lack of one. Meanwhile, a large Sun shareholder dumped its stake. 

Bloomberg reports Sun's board is meeting to discuss the collapse of the IBM offer. It's a bit unclear what Sun's board is discussing given IBM has walked away for now and may not come back. 

More interesting is the fact that a big Sun shareholder---Relational Investors---sold its 4.7 percent stake in the company. Ralph Whitworth, founder of Relational, disclosed the sale in a Bloomberg interview. 

Relational wasn't the only seller of Sun shares. Here's a look at the five-day chart. 

Previous installments of the IBM-Sun saga:

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