
Back on track

Within an hour of arriving back in Blighty yesterday, I had located and reserved an Acer Aspire One (hereafter affectionately acronymed as the AA1), now only £180 from Currys. Now all I have to do is reinstall Ubuntu, the AA1 tweaks & fixes, my most favourite software and my settings (easily done, as I simply have to copy over my home directory).
Written by Jake Rayson Rayson, Contributor

Within an hour of arriving back in Blighty yesterday, I had located and reserved an Acer Aspire One (hereafter affectionately acronymed as the AA1), now only £180 from Currys. Now all I have to do is reinstall Ubuntu, the AA1 tweaks & fixes, my most favourite software and my settings (easily done, as I simply have to copy over my home directory).

Having completed this task once before, I'm estimating it should take 3-4 hours.

As if this isn't enough, I will be moving house, away from the charms of the south Devon coast to the equally engaging yet radically different charms of the north Kent coast. This puts me within striking distance of London for contract web design work but I still want to work remotely and move back into teaching.

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