
Best Buy to be Palm Pre exclusive retailer

WebOS Arena (who else?) is reporting news "from a credible source" that Best Buy Mobile will have an exclusive deal with Sprint for the release of Palm's fabled Pre smartphone.
Written by Andrew Nusca, Contributor

WebOS Arena (who else?) is reporting news "from a credible source" that Best Buy Mobile will have an exclusive deal with Sprint for the release of Palm's fabled Pre smartphone.

For the first 60 important days, Best Buy and Sprint will be the only places where you can get your hands on the Palm Pre. You'll remember that Sprint also launched the Samsung Instinct exclusively with the megaretailer this past summer.

The hope? For Palm, it's the exclusivity and "want" factor. For Best Buy, it's sheer sales. And for Sprint, it's a chance to bolster their reputation after Verizon landed the BlackBerry Storm, T-Mobile landed the HTC Dream (G1) and AT&T landed the iPhone.

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