
Beyond the hype: what's truly green and what's just marketing?

We consumers are often outgunned by the hypemeisters and the marketing mavens. Not every product has its ingredients spelled out on the label.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

We consumers are often outgunned by the hypemeisters and the marketing mavens. Not every product has its ingredients spelled out on the label. And most labels tell you nothing about how the resources were gathered or the manufacturing process. One website's begun to gather what resources there are for American consumers who want to make the greenest choices possible. Here's the summary they've put together over at Grist. They tell you what marks of approval to look for in several major products categories from food to flooring.

If you're specifically interested in building products, there's plenty of background information here.

And one of my favorite product review sites is National Geographic's GreenGuide. Today their front door features Valentine's gifts and eco-pillows. Do I sense hopeful connection there? Guess it would be too bold, or unromantic, of me to hope for a feature on Valentine;s Day and population growth?

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