
BHP Billiton replaces CIO

BHP Billiton confirmed today that CIO Ken Matthews had left the company, and will be replaced internally by Chris Crozier.
Written by Suzanne Tindal, Contributor

(Credit: BHP Billiton)

BHP Billiton confirmed today that CIO Ken Matthews had left the company, and will be replaced internally by Chris Crozier.

"Ken has decided to leave BHP Billiton to pursue other opportunities and we wish him every success in all his endeavours," a BHP spokesperson told ZDNet.com.au this morning.

The spokesperson said that Matthews had been replaced by Chris Crozier, who had been chief procurement officer within BHP Billiton. "Chris had extensive experience having joined BHP in 2006 from [software vendor] Ariba where he was managing partner Asia," the spokesperson said.

Matthews had been appointed to head up BHP's technology group mid last year. He replaced former CIO John Dudas, who had been appointed technology chief in 2007 after long-standing CIO Dave Richardson retired.

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