
Biden to MPAA: You'll love our IP czar

I said earlier that Biden is carrying water for Hollywood. Now Declan reports on News.
Written by Richard Koman, Contributor

I said earlier that Biden is carrying water for Hollywood. Now Declan reports on News.com that Biden has made an assurance to the MPAA that "[We] will find the right person for intellectual property czar."

If the Administration goes back to the same well for an IP czar that they've gone to for the Justice Department, we can look forward to enhanced protections for Hollywood. As Biden cued in that talk:

"[Filesharing is ] pure theft, stolen from the artists and quite frankly from the American people as consequence of loss of jobs and as a consequence of loss of income," Biden said. He singled out Canada, a close U.S. ally, as needing stronger laws; it never signed the treaty that led to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and a proposal to adopt anti-circumvention restrictions was never adopted.

Oh, and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke expressed outrage over the pre-release posting of "Wolverine" on the Internet.

As a former prosecutor, I believe in the full and impartial enforcement of the law," he said.

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