
Calling all innovators: Google hangs "Help Wanted" sign

Google is hiring again. And in case you hadn't heard, the company is known for having some pretty sweet perks for its employees.
Written by Sam Diaz, Inactive

Google is hiring again. And in case you hadn't heard, the company is known for having some pretty sweet perks for its employees. And we're not just talking free meals and on-site dry cleaners.

In a blog post titled "Investing in Innovation at Google," the company goes out of its way to highlight its Founders Award, "a multimillion-dollar stock bonus" that was recently given to the Google Chrome to "celebrate the kind of large-scale, game-changing achievements that Google stands for."

Of course, not everyone is going to win such a big award - but the message is loud and clear.In a nutshell, innovation rules at Google and those who come up with game-changing products, services or ideas are recognized and rewarded for their work. In a blog post, Alan Eustace, senior VP of engineering and research, said:

We want to continue to create products that rethink industry standards, challenge the status quo and make people's lives easier — and we know that there are great minds out there with the same goal. Recently, we announced that we're starting to ramp up hiring for positions across the company, continuing our investment in the future as we imagine it. That future is shaped by small teams of creative people who want to make a difference. We're on the hunt for these kind of people — let us know if you think you're one of them.

The company said its initial hiring would be in engineering and sales. If you're Google material, apply here.

Also see: Schmidt: Worst of recession is over; Google is hiring

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