
Celebrating 10 years of TechRepublic

ZDNet sister site TechRepublic is celebrating its 10th anniversary and, today, the TR family out in Louisville, Kentucky -  the same city where the site has been based since its inception - is hosting a community event to celebrate the occasion.
Written by Sam Diaz, Inactive

ZDNet sister site TechRepublic is celebrating its 10th anniversary and, today, the TR family out in Louisville, Kentucky -  the same city where the site has been based since its inception - is hosting a community event to celebrate the occasion.

Editor-in-Chief Jason Hiner, who also posts regularly here on BTL, notes in his own post that the the site was founded "as an online trade publication and peer-to-peer network (or a social network, before it was called a “social network”) for IT professionals."

In a separate post, Joe Rosberg, a long-time member and a blogger in TechRepublic’s User Support section, reflected on how he wasn't taking on the role as the expert voice. Instead, he was more like a facilitator, the host of the forum where IT professionals turned to each other for information and insight. He wrote:

It’s said that the best way to learn something new is to help another person learn the same thing. As such, I’d not only answer questions on things I knew about, but I’d venture into areas that were new to me. I might not have had the foggiest idea as to the right answer to some questions, but I searched the Internet and my own technical manuals looking for it. Helping other people find the answers to their questions helped me find the answers to my own. That, I believe, was - and still is - the greatest thing about this Tech Community. It’s a place where IT professionals help other IT professionals - and it’s truly a win-win.

Congratulations on 10 years, TechRepublic. Here's to many many more years of being a place for IT professionals to interact and learn from each other.

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