
China: Google has never officially complained about attack

Reuters has reported that Google has never officially complained to the Chinese government about the internet attacks against the company.
Written by Doug Hanchard, Contributor

Reuters has reported that Google has never officially complained to the Chinese government about the internet attacks against the company.

Google had never filed a report to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology over the cyber attacks or sought negotiations, Vice Minister Miao Wei was quoted as saying by state news agency Xinhua late on Saturday.

"If Google has had evidence that the attacks came from China, the Chinese government will welcome them to provide the information and will severely punish the offenders according to the law," Miao said.

Google's Deputy General Counsel Nicole Wong testified before a Senate hearing last week stating;

I want to stress that while we know these attacks came from China, we are not prepared to say who is carrying out these attacks. We do know such attacks are violations of China's own laws and we would hope that the Chinese authorities will work with US officials to investigate this matter.

If Google has not officially notified or complained to the Chinese government, it clearly indicates a certain amount of nervous tension, challenge and fear the company is experiencing. The Reuters report continues on;

Google also never informed the ministry that it was planning to withdraw from China, Miao added, speaking on the sidelines of the annual session of parliament.

"If Google decides to continue its business in China and abides by China's laws, it's welcome to stay," he said, vowing to continue providing a sound investment environment for foreign investors and protect their legitimate rights.

"If the company chooses to withdraw from the Chinese market, it must go through certain procedures according to the law and regulations and deal with customers' problems that may arise."

Stay tuned.

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