
Chrome is a browser? What's a browser?

New users to Chrome sometimes find themselves submersed in a world of confusion. Several users on the Google Chrome discussion group couldn't figure out what exactly Chrome is, or how to get back to "plain old Google".
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

New users to Chrome sometimes find themselves submersed in a world of confusion. Several users on the Google Chrome discussion group couldn't figure out what exactly Chrome is, or how to get back to "plain old Google".

It's a wonder these internet pioneers figured out how to post their (extremely humorous) questions. Here are a few of the questions that have surfaced about Google Chrome:

"I want the old Google search engine, not Google Chrome. How do I go back to regular old Google? I want to change my default search engine from Chrome to Google. The tools don't help me," asks Orville.

"If I change from Outlook Express to Chrome browser does my E Mail address have to be changed to a G Mail address?" wants to know Haljoan.

"I don't like the design of the Google Chrome.page. All of the toolbars I'm familiar with are missing, and I don't even know how i got it. If I uninstall it, will I be able to get just plain Google?" wonders Stellar.

"Should I remove my original Google now that I have installed Google Chrome?"

-- quotes posted on Google Operating System

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