
Churchill Club podcast: Smart Grid: What's Next?

The dollars are flowing to smart grid initiatives, but the big question is how innovation will flow into the software managing these efforts.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

The dollars are flowing to smart grid initiatives, but the big question is how innovation will flow into the software managing these efforts.

In this installment of the Churchill Club podcast series, a panel of experts talk about how tech vendors, utilities and consumers will work with the smart grid. How will utilities, tech vendors and consumers use applications that can automate the grid and manage the massive amount of data that will emerge? Particularly when electric vehicles start to come online later this year?

Speakers included:

  • Troy Batterberry, Product Unit Manager, Microsoft Hohm
  • Elisabeth Brinton, Chief Business & Public Affairs Officer, Sacramento Municipal Utilities District
  • Charlie Huizenga, Researcher & Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Architecture, UC Berkeley; Co-founder, Adura Technologies
  • John Steinberg, CEO, EcoFactor
  • Steve Vassallo, Venture Partner, Foundation Capital

Katie Fehrenbacher, Editor, Earth2Tech, was the moderator.

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