
Citrix Synergy 2010 San Francisco

Citrix is presenting its user conference, called Synergy, in San Francisco this week.  I've been invited to attend and will post something about my experiences here tomorrow.
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

Citrix is presenting its user conference, called Synergy, in San Francisco this week.  I've been invited to attend and will post something about my experiences here tomorrow. Delta airlines and I have a date to fly later on this afternoon. I will be also taking part in the 451 Group's ICE (Infrastructure Computing for the Enterprise) Breakfast tomorrow morning.

Citrix's events have been part of my world for quite a number of years. I've taken part as a presenter, panel moderator, vendor and as an attendee.  I've always found the interactions with Citrix and its partners to be informative and, on occasion, very entertaining.

I remember speaking briefly with Sinbad, the entertainer, at one of Citrix's events years ago before the event was moved from Orlando out to Las Vegas. At that time, he was working on a project to get computers into the classroom for disadvantaged youth. I learned that besides being a very funny man, he has a heart of gold.  I loved his "I'm a consultant and will fix your problems" comedy session that night.

I remember hiking and hiking and hiking to get from one meeting to another when the event was held in the Mandalay Bay conference center in Las Vegas.  The information I was able to collect was most certainly worth the effort. My weight watchers coach, by the way, was pleased with the progress I made that week.  I guess the heat combined with a busy schedule combined with having to hike from place to place made me look really good at the next weigh in.

This year, I hope to speak with Citrix and several of their partners and will report back to you later.

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