
Clean-tech gets political while China moves into first place

Clean-tech is getting more and more political. With so much money and government subsidy, or not, at stake, it was inevitable.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

Clean-tech is getting more and more political. With so much money and government subsidy, or not, at stake, it was inevitable. A leading greentech venture capitalist spoke at the Democratic Convention. And the governor of Montana spoke about declaring energy independence for America, and added we Americans could not simply drill our way to energy independence. You can see this western governor on youtube. Until we address that energy crisis our problems will only get worse, said the Man from Montana. American innovation, he said.

American oil consumption continues to decline. I like to imagine it's because people are choosing to conserve. Some observers think it may simply be our weakened economy. But whatever the cause, American oil use may decline further, but the global demand will go on growing. Much of that thanks to Chinese rapid deployment of private autos.

China #1

China: world record in Olympic gold medals at their summer Olympics in Beijing. And now a new gold medal. China will surpass the American power indjustry in putting greenhouse gases into the earth's only atmopshere. That is happening this year, as we live and breathe.

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