
Climate change politics

U.S. Senator James Imhofe(R-Oilklahoma) has a strong new ally in his fight against the fantasy of climate change.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

U.S. Senator James Imhofe(R-Oilklahoma) has a strong new ally in his fight against the fantasy of climate change. Despite his minority party status, Imhofe fights to expose the global warming hoaxes he sees abounding. The new president of the European Union is President Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic, 67. He says climate change is a myth. And for good measure he thinks the European Union itself is a new form of communist state. So the European politics of climate change may get very much more heated, apart from whatever heating may be due to the mythical climate change.

Meanwhile, here's a look at the possible internal political factions within President-elect Obama's incoming administration. To cope with greenhouse gases, or worry first about the economy? One the one hand those who argue that climate change will make any economy irrelevant. On the other, those who say we cannot afford to play nice with the environment if it ruins people's lives to do so.

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