
concrete5 comes of age whilst Drupal is piecemeal

My main hosting company is DreamHost, purveyors of sardonic and witty newsletters (who says Americans have no sense of humour? Duh).
Written by Jake Rayson Rayson, Contributor

My main hosting company is DreamHost, purveyors of sardonic and witty newsletters (who says Americans have no sense of humour? Duh). Apparently they also host over million sites, so they must truly be movershakers in the world of the web.

So when DreamHost said in their February newsletter that the open source concrete5 CMS had won the competition to become to a One Click Install via their control panel, the world sat up and took notice. Well, I did.

Paul from my local Linux User Group has been banging on about how great concrete5 is for ABSOLUTELY AGES, and how much better it is than WordPress. Now I really ought to try it out.

Which brings me nicely to Drupal, the Master of all open source Content Management Systems.

I have often likened WordPress to lego and Drupal to meccano. Drupal is mightily powerful but it is piecemeal. This is not a criticism. It is the Nature of Drupal to be piecemeal.

Case in point is image handling. There is a fantastic image module called Imagefield Crop, which enables users to undestructively crop an uploaded image (instructive screencast at Capellic.com). However, it doesn’t play with the Insert module, which enables an image to inserted into the body of the post, usually from the ImageField module.

But there is a patch, which I tracked down on the Imagefield Crop issue page Add support for 'Insert' Module to ImageField Crop, which I applied using these instructions.

Do you see what I mean?

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