
Consumers' green-leaning attitudes for 2010: More than three-quarters looking to buy from socially responsible businesses

Take heed: A new survey shows that your potential customers want to buy greener in 2010.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

There's a new survey out covering American adults attitudes about going greener in the New Year.

More than half of the people responding to a poll by New York-based marketing consultant Tiller (53 percent) said they have at least one green resolution in mind, up a few percentage points from the last time Tiller conducted research on this topic two years ago. Specifically, more than 85 percent expressed their intention to reduce household energy consumption in 2010, followed by plans to recycle (84 percent) and buy from environmentally responsible companies (76 percent).

The research covered 1,000 adults between Nov. 2, 2009, and Dec. 2, 2009, and it was conducted by Mathew Greenwald & Associates.

The last finding in particular should be of interest to the people reading this blog, especially since about half of those surveyed said that they already have declined to buy a certain product because the were concerned about the impact that it (or its packaging) might have on the environment. Isn't that pretty compelling reason to get with the program?

Women are more likely than men to have "green guilt" over not living a green lifestyle. For example, about half of them are carrying their own bag to the supermarket compared with 30 percent of men. Here's an observation by Tiller principal, James Marren:

"Women are clearly more focused than men on incorporating environmental responsibility into daily household activities. That's encouraging, given that women continue to carry most of the burden of household management. To the extent that women can bring other family members along, perhaps environmentally responsible behaviors will take root even more strongly - with some genuine, enduring benefits to the environment."

Here's more about the survey.

This post was originally published on Smartplanet.com

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