
Conversation with OPNET

Speaking with OPNET about its product architecture and application performance management (APM) in general
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

After I reviewed OPNET's AppMapper Xpert (see OPNET launches AppMapper Xpert™ for more information), I got a message from Susan Cole, VP of marketing for OPNET Technologies asking if I'd like to get an in-depth briefing on the product and how it fits into OPNET's product portfolio. I also suspect that they wanted to address some of the concerns I mentioned in the post as well.

OPNET folks on the call

Susan helped me connect with Russ Elsner, OPNET's APM Technical Director, and Ryan Gale, OPNET's Team Lead for the Application Development Team. We had a really interesting conversation and I they presented a demonstration of the AppMapper Xpert product. It is clear that these folks know their stuff and had thought deeply about application performance management.

Here are a few comments about the product:

  • Application performance management needs to be based upon dynamic, real-time data rather than a static picture developed in the past. OPNET's approach is based upon real-time monitoring of a number of important processes allowing it to present a dynamic, very granular, view of what's really happening.
  • Each of the products communicates with the others in a very concise way allowing a complete real-time picture of the environment to be maintained without requiring a central platform. This means that the analytics can be done on-premise or in the clouds without creating a peformance bottleneck.
  • AppMapper Xpert was easy to use and presented information in a clear way.  An IT administrator could easily see an overview or go as deep as necessary to examine the ongoing health of an application, application component or some element of the application infrastructure without having to know a great deal about the internal architecture of the application itself.

Snapshot analysis

I was impressed with the architecture of OPNET's product portfolio and how easy it was to get to the heart of a problem. Even a fumble-fingered analyst like me could use this product.

I'm trying to speak with a user of this technology and will present a customer profile later.

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