
Conversion of Skype voice mail to SMS is on the way

Jim Courtney of Skype Journal certainly seems intrigued by a forthcoming service from SpinVox and Skype that will enable users to have all their voice messages converted and sent directly to their cellphones as an SMS when they are not at their PC.SpinVox notes that the caller’s Skype ID, when available, will be shown and what they said converted into text.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Jim Courtney of Skype Journal certainly seems intrigued by a forthcoming service from SpinVox and Skype that will enable users to have all their voice messages converted and sent directly to their cellphones as an SMS when they are not at their PC.

SpinVox notes that the caller’s Skype ID, when available, will be shown and what they said converted into text. Skype users will have immediate access to all their messages on-the-move, giving callers the confidence that their messages can be seen quickly, whether the Skype user is online or not.

As Jim notes, the service will require no software download to any mobile phone  and initially be available in English, Spanish, French and German.

No specific launch date is available.

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