
'Cyborgs' to converge in London

How to get beyond the weakness of homo sapiens? Use technology to overcome humankind's biological limitations, say 'cyborgs' gathering at City University this weekend
Written by Will Knight, Contributor

Technology experts and enthusiasts who unflinchingly refer to themselves as "cyborgs" will gather at City University Saturday to discuss how technology can help overcome humankind's biological limitations.

These devout transhumanists -- individuals who believe that technology should be used to improve upon the human condition -- will discuss a range of topics including cryonics, life extension, nanotechnology, mind uploading, genetic engineering and wearable computing.

"What is special about this conference is that it represents a recent grassroots movement of people who are realising that technology might radically alter the human condition within a few decades," says co-organiser of the event Dr Nick Bostrom. "We are trying to understand where these developments are taking us, and how they can be turned into something beneficial."

Bostrom will give a presentation on the moral issues surrounding artificial entiled The ethics of machine intelligence.

The effect of technology on the development of humankind has become an increasingly controversial issue of late, with respected technologists including Bill Joy calling for restraints on the development of genetic engineering and nanotechnology.

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