
Dabbler or Optimizer? Consulting company comes out with model that rates your org's green credentials

Someone asked me last week if I knew of any companies that provide green tech assets services for small or midsize businesses. Honestly, I know of none, but I'll put my thinking cap on.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

Someone asked me last week if I knew of any companies that provide green tech assets services for small or midsize businesses. Honestly, I know of none, but I'll put my thinking cap on. Meanwhile, if you're wondering how you fare alongside your peers when it comes to "green enterprise maturity?" The Results Group, a consulting company that hails from Mountain View, Calif., has come up with a benchmark that it calls the Green Enterprise Maturity Model.

The simple goal of this model is to assess a company on the basis of the things it's doing to reduce its carbon footprint -- anything from sourcing electricity from alternative sources to buying carbon offsets to transforming its travel practices. And anything in-between or all-of-the-above.

The Results Group has come up with four basic profiles for how it describes maturity when it comes to adopting green tech and green business practices. They include Complier, Dabbler, Consistent Improver and Enterprise Optimizer. Among the things that it looks at with the model include enterprise operations architecture, supply chain relationships, customer support and product development. Depending on how you fare with the assessment, the firm makes recommendations about strategies that dovetail your corporate philosophy or push it to the next level. Dare you take the test?

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