
Data archiving survival guide

Companies not forward-thinking enough with data archiving strategies could find themselves in deep trouble, Gartner has warned.
Written by ZDNet Staff, Contributor

In a research note last year, Gartner analysts Kenneth Chin and James Lundy warned that companies not forward-thinking enough with data archiving strategies could find themselves in deep trouble.

"Companies need document and e-mail archiving products to meet today's legal and regulatory demands, but these two markets will be swallowed up in a few years.

Therefore, firms must identify vendors that can meet their immediate and long-term content archiving plans," they said.

One glaring problem the analysts identified was the fact that today, companies purchase two separate products to archive static documents and e-mail.

"The e-mail active-archiving market is new and growing quickly, and vendors are still entering it. "The integrated document archive and retrieval system (IDARS) market is mature, but continues on a collision course with distributed output management. Moreover, both technologies will likely become part of enterprise content management (ECM) suites by 2008, but many companies can't afford to wait that long; they need these capabilities now," Chin and Lundy said.

The duo warned that companies requiring a solution today must choose vendors that are strategically positioned for the future.

Danger in records discovery
Records management systems won't always save a company from the law, a leading analyst warns.

Hard disk vs. disk array
PATA, SATA and SCSI are different forms of hard disk technologies. There are almost as many differing disk arrays as there are acronyms to match up with them. On top of that there is the ubiquitous RAID terminology to come to grips with.

Optical technologies
Also playing a role to some degree with archiving are write-once and re-writable optical technologies, from CD to DVD, in the popular 8cm format ranging in storage capacity from 650MB through to 27GB (Blu-Ray).

Tape technologies
There are three technologies we should consider when looking at physical tape archiving: LTO, DLT, and AIT.

Are backup jobs too challenging? Archive that old data!
Growing companies looking at implementing an archiving solution should consider archiving policies, principles and processes to determine the benefits of a true, active archiving strategy combined with disk-based recovery.

Data storage archiving 101
The rapidly increasing quantities of data generated in the last couple of years, in particular the electronic data, meant that a larger amount of data must be archived. Businesses recently noted that the time it takes to double the data volume has steadily decreased. Today, it takes about less than a year. A data archive must be serviceable over a long period of time and should not be dependent on the choice of technology. This white paper discusses the demands for data archiving and offers suggestions for meeting these demands.

"="" rel="follow">An effective approach to electronic message archiving
You'll also learn how enterprises can use a managed-service approach to electronic message archiving to achieve archiving best practices.

Coping with e-mail overload
E-mail is the most widely used business communications tool and also plays a key role when complying with the ever-increasing numbers of corporate regulations. So how can you make sure it's managed properly? Quocirca's Bob Tarzey explains.

Are compliance headaches just beginning?
There's been a lot of talk about the impact of new government and industry regulations on IT departments, especially in the financial services sector. But according to recent research it looks like this is just the beginning.

Sun: Tape storage evolving, not dead
Magnetic tape data storage may have been around for more than half a century but systems administrators will be stuck with it for some time yet, according to one of Sun Microsystems' top storage executives.

Iomega NAS 200d
This is designed for companies with small IT budgets.

Apple: Xserve & Atempo
Can this match the iPod in terms of popularity?

Quantum SuperLoader 3
This is a 2RU tape backup unit designed for medium-to-large sized companies.

Sun: StorEdge & SunFire
The StorEdge 3500 array has a lockable front panel covering 12 3.5" removable HDD bays. The V20z server is a full-length 1RU chassis.

Snap Server 4500
The 4500 is a NAS device in a 1RU chassis -- it has four 3.5in drive bays that accommodate PATA drives.
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