
Delta/Northwest Airline Adventure

Delta/Northwest staff wrestle systems and win.
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

My wife and I are traveling up to New York.  I have to visit 451 Group HQ and she's going to get her "New England" fix.  Traveling can be complex if a person requires special help. In my wife's case, that means medical oxygen and a wheelchair.  Reservations must be made and then an additional process is required to obtain the oxygen. We completed that set of tasks and informed my brother in law.

He, out of the goodness of his heart, wanted to make sure that my wife's travel was as easy as possible and so, he purchased a separate non-stop return ticket for her. This, of course, messed up everything in the mixed system environment for Delta/Northwest.  The result: her medical oxygen for the trip up was canceled.

When this came to light during our 6:00 AM check in process, we thought we were going to have to cancel the entire trip. Things were that messed up.

The Delta and Northwest folks battled the computer systems for about an hour.  After whipping them into shape, we are going to head out on a later flight and my wife is going to be provided with the oxygen she needs at altitude.

The staff at Delta/Northwest deserve kudos.

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