
DHS puts finishing touches on "Biometric Entry System"

Department of Homeland Security's US-VISIT program has completed installation of biometric entry capabilities at 104 land border ports, as mandated by Congress.
Written by ZDNet UK, Contributor

The U.S. government has made a huge leap in securing borders with the installation of biometric entry proceedures recently deployed in 104 land border ports, reports Government Technology.

Dubbed US-VISIT is 'a continuum of security measures that collect biometric and biographic information from visitors at U.S. visa-issuing posts upon their arrival and departure from U.S. air, sea and land border ports. The program enhances security by verifying each visitor's identity and by comparing their biometric and biographical information against watch lists of terrorists, criminals, and immigration violators.

Since January 2004, US-VISIT has processed more than 44 million visitors, which makes the program the largest-scale application of biometrics in the world. 

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