
Drag-and-drop Gmail: another feature beefs up Google Apps offering

Google rolls out drag-and-drop attachments in Gmail, another feature to beef up Google Apps.
Written by Sam Diaz, Inactive

As much as I dislike sending and receiving e-mail attachments, it sometimes goes with the territory. So it's nice that Google rolled out an update for Gmail users today - a drag-and-drop feature that eliminates the need to search through folders to add the right files to e-mail.

In the grander scheme of things, the ability to drag-and-drop files isn't that big of a deal. I even logged into my Yahoo e-mail account to make sure I couldn't already do it there. (I can't) But if you add up all of these small little features, such as Undo Send, that Google has rolled out for Gmail, it makes the offering that much more compelling when compared to client-based e-mail programs such as Outlook.

And isn't that what Google Apps is all about these days, bringing some value to the tools so that enterprise customers won't feel like they're compromising by using a cloud-based program?

The feature was launched today for use in Chrome and Firefox 3.6 and should be working in Gmail accounts by now.

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