
Driving with mobiles: Have your say...

If you drive and you use a mobile you MUST have an opinion...
Written by silicon.com staff, Contributor

If you drive and you use a mobile you MUST have an opinion...

The proposed change in the law governing the use of mobile phones in cars has caused ructions among the silicon.com readership. We were overwhelmed with your responses, both for and against. The majority of you appear to back the government's plans to outlaw driving while talking into a hand-held handset but some have reacted angrily and see this as just the latest unwelcome meddling by politicians. To enable us to understand more clearly what your thoughts are on this controversial subject we've launched a survey. It will take just 20 seconds of your time to complete, and it will ensure your voice is heard in this debate. Click here to have your say. If you need some inspiration, here are some comments from your peers. Wayne Moore from North Yorkshire wrote: "I think we already have strong enough laws to cover dangerous driving and can't see why we need a specific mobile phone law. What about a 'fumbling through the glove box for your cigarette lighter law'? Or an 'opening your chewing gum' law? It's pathetic." (Have your say take the survey now.) Tony Pearce wrote: "If drivers want to take their phone into their cars they should be sensible enough to take a hands free kit with it. People drove cars on our roads for the best part of 100 years without needing to talk to someone who was not sat in the car with them." (Agree? Disagree? Take the survey now.) "No exceptions, no excuses, it's dangerous," said reader Tony Carey. Get involved in the debate. Take the survey now.
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