
EMT posts rape victim info on his MySpace page: she's suing

Imagine this.On his MySpace page, an ambulance paramedic posts personally identifiable information about a rape victim he apparently was on the response team for after she was attacked.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Imagine this.

On his MySpace page, an ambulance paramedic posts personally identifiable information about a rape victim he apparently was on the response team for after she was attacked.

Now the rape victim is suing the paramedic for posting enough details about her to make her identity and address known to neighbors and reporters. 

The unnamed victim is suing the ambulance company as well. She is seeking economic as well as noneconomic damages. The paramedic said he did this "to get the word out."

Well, you need not imagine the scenario.

It's real, and in my hometown. 

The bigger question, which encourages me to make this post:

With MySpace becoming a multimedia platform with voice, visual as well as textual potential to violate privacy expectations, what are some privacy-related best practices all MySpace users should be aware of? 

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