
End-point security clamour sparks Blue Coat deal

Pockets Premeo for $60m...
Written by Will Sturgeon, Contributor

Pockets Premeo for $60m...

Web security firm Blue Coat has bought end-point security provider Premeo in a $60.8m deal.

The deal reflects a growing clamour among vendors to add end-point security solutions to broad product and service portfolios.

Brian NeSmith, CEO of Blue Coat, attributed this to the increasing need among enterprises for such solutions as they move towards an ever more mobile workforce and see the resultant breakdown of the traditional 'secure perimeter'.

End-point security relates to the integrity and permissions of the actual device, such as a remote PC, attempting to access a network. Previously, much of the work to create a cast iron perimeter has been undermined by an infected machine, or a machine being used outside the perimeter to access company data.

Speaking during a webcast to announce the deal, NeSmith said companies have also invested heavily in ensuring data travelling between networks and PCs is encrypted and secure - through the use of SSL VPNs, for example - but have so far paid little attention to the end point and the way data is used at the desktop during an online session.

The deal to acquire Premeo comprises $13.4m in cash and the remainder in Blue Coat stock.

Last August Symantec acquired end-point security firm Sygate.

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