
Evans Data survey also predicts more enterprise movement to the cloud

Most enterprise developers plan to use cloud, but only for some things
Written by Joe McKendrick, Contributing Writer

My recent post on Gartner's projection that one out of five enterprises will eject all their assets within two years -- mainly due to cloud computing -- generated quite a bit of discussion, pro and con. Many expressed skepticism that companies would be willing to put their data and resources in the hands of third parties.

A new survey out of Evans Data buttresses predictions that many enterprises will be turning to the cloud for IT resources, at least to some extent.  Sixty-one percent of 400 developers in Evans Data Corp’s recent Cloud Development Survey report that at least some of their IT resources will move to the public cloud within the next year.

However, only a handful, 13%, say they will move most of their IT resources to cloud configurations. What we're more likely to see over the coming years is more of a "hybrid" model, with both on-premise and off-premise IT assets.

The survey also looked at infrastructure vendors riding the cloud wave. MySQL is the preferred database for use in the public cloud, cited by over 55% of the developers. VMWare is the favorite hypervisor vendor or user in a virtualized private cloud (28.6%) followed by Microsoft and IBM.

(Disclosure: I have authored Evans Data survey reports in the past, but not this one.)

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