
Exclusive: Seattle man has registered "fakemarkzuckerberg.com": Is a "Secret Diary of Mark Zuckerberg" next?

Partially as a result of his debatable mea culpa about Beacon- following his weeks of silence on the issue- Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been hammered, trolled and informally psychoanalyzed by many bloggers.Including the handsome gent typing these consonants and vowels right here, right now.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Partially as a result of his debatable mea culpa about Beacon- following his weeks of silence on the issue- Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been hammered, trolled and informally psychoanalyzed by many bloggers.

Including the handsome gent typing these consonants and vowels right here, right now.

"Funny," I thought to myself just a couple of days ago. Haven't seen this much heat and attention being given to the presumed inner mind of a technology exec since Steve Jobs.

That attention has inspired the Secret Diary of Steve Jobs (often referred to as "Fake Steve Jobs" blog). Despite the outing of its author, it is still very popular.

So then me thinks, "hmm. I wonder if anyone was planning to write a "Fake Mark Zuckerberg"/Secret Diary Of... blog.

One way to intuit such information would be to perform a WHOIS check on the domain, www.fakemarkzuckerberg.com.

I did so, and after successfully performing the CAPTCHA drill, found that indeed, that name has been registered via Internet registrar GoDaddy back on June 22, 2007.

The registrant is listed as Sean Malone of Seattle.

Now I starte4d to think to myself, is this guy planning a fakemarkzuckerberg.com blog, and if so, is fakestevejobs driving his presumed eagerness to do so?

Early yesterday afternoon I sent Sean an email with the following questions:

  1. Given the success of fakestevejobs.com, are you thinking of starting an actual fakemarkzuckerberg.com blog?
  2. I've noticed that when I enter that URL, I get forwarded to an actual Facebook blog. Curious as to why that is.
  3. Has Facebook been in touch with you about the domain you registered?
  4. Are you a Facebook member yourself? (if so, URL would be great)
  5. Finally, do you have any opinion about this Beacon ad tracking program they've recently started and is causing so much controversy?

I haven't heard from Sean yet. If I do, I will update this post, or maybe make a new one.

Haven't yet decided this a.m.

Need coffee.

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