
Expect pretty significant e-waste news this week

I believe this will be a big week for e-waste news, given the certification news coming on Monday from the Basel Action Network. Hope to jump on that call, if I can rework my schedule.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

I believe this will be a big week for e-waste news, given the certification news coming on Monday from the Basel Action Network. Hope to jump on that call, if I can rework my schedule. So, quick an eye out for some more posts.

Meanwhile, since my blogs about technology recycling options always seem to attract decent readership, a quick pointer to Converge, one of the larger companies involved with IT asset disposal. Here's a blog I posted about a year ago about, when they were still using their NextPhase branding. Now, they're focusing on building the Converge footprint.

I think one of the reasons that tech recycling and / or refurbishment is such a compelling topic is that a) the laws surrounding what you have to do are fragmented and still very much at the state level and b) most of the companies that are doing this sort of thing are also on the smallish, regional side. Execs at Converge says this is about to change, with a number of players (including their own company) working on building up their global service capabilities.

If I might be so bold as to start identifying "list" topics for 2009, I'll go out on a limb and suggest that there will be heightened activity around this topic during the next 12 months, especially considering the need of businesses to eke every bit of value out of their assets. So, look for Converge and others to either partner with each other. Or, dare I say it, look for more mergers and acquisitions among the tech disposal players.

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