
Exxon rocks on, but not everybody drinks the kool-aid

Global warming is not a happy topic at the latest Exxon shareholders meeting. Seems some offspring of the founding Rockefeller are not pleased the company they own a piece of is...
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

Global warming is not a happy topic at the latest Exxon shareholders meeting. Seems some offspring of the founding Rockefeller are not pleased the company they own a piece of is...shall we say...doubtful about global warming.

It's not just later generations of Rockies who are unhappy. Here's a column by the offspring of the founder of Humble Oil. Not tickled about denying global warming. And that was published in a Houston, Texas, newspaper.

Many Exxon stockholders will be celebrating, after all their company made $40 billion last year. Nice piece of change even if it is measure din devalued US dollars.

It is not clear how relevant this stink-up will be, it;s been reportred for over a year that Exxon is no longer bankrolling groups that poo-poo global warming. mFor forty billiondollars the Exxon managers can perform a lot of ceremonial mea culpas.

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