
Facebook celebrates 200 million members

At some point today, Facebook will register its 200 millionth member. That's quite a milestone - and CEO Mark Zuckerberg talks about its importance in a blog post that went up a few hours ago.
Written by Sam Diaz, Inactive

At some point today, Facebook will register its 200 millionth member. That's quite a milestone - and CEO Mark Zuckerberg talks about its importance in a blog post that went up a few hours ago.

Has Facebook changed your life? Of course it has - whether you like it or not. Speaking for myself, I've reconnected with high school friends and childhood friends, I've networked with people to find sources and, yes, even this job. And I've found myself rallying around causes via Facebook.

I know I sometimes I use this space to give Facebook a bad time about things like design changes, the Terms of Service fiasco and other questionable decisions by management. But, today, I'd like to congratulate Mark and team. Even though I was critical when Mark said last year that he was focused on growing the site before developing a revenue plan, the company has delivered when it comes to growth. Good for them.

As part of Facebook's milestone celebration, the company has created a space on Facebook "where people can share their stories about how Facebook has helped them give back to their communities, effect change or connect with a distant relative."

If you have a cool story to share, here's the place. After all, Facebook is all about sharing, right?

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