
Facebook: We have 150 million active users

Facebook has hit its latest milestone: 150 million global active users.In a blog, Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg said half of those 150 million users visit the social network daily.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

Facebook has hit its latest milestone: 150 million global active users.

In a blog, Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg said half of those 150 million users visit the social network daily.

Zuckerberg writes:

If Facebook were a country, it would be the eighth most populated in the world, just ahead of Japan, Russia and Nigeria. When we first started Facebook almost five years ago, most of the people using it were college students in the United States. Today, people of all ages—grandparents, parents and children—use Facebook in more than 35 different languages and 170 countries and territories.

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