
Facebook, Wrong Again!

As it being widely reported, a Facebook poll has caught the ire of the Secret Service for asking whether President Obama should be killed. The Service is investigating the poll and asked the poll be taken down.
Written by Dave Greenfield, Contributor

As it being widely reported, a Facebook poll has caught the ire of the Secret Service for asking whether President Obama should be killed. The Service is investigating the poll and asked the poll be taken down.

"The USSS [Secret Service] sent us an e-mail late this morning PDT asking us to take it down. At that point, it had already been removed, and we let them know." Facebook spokesman Barry Schnitt told CNN.

Give me a break. I'm all for intervening in the cases of hate, racism of overt calls to violence, which can lead to actual violent acts, but surveying people as to what they think about a public figure though hardly qualifies as such.Yes, I find the choices pretty moronic. And yes, Obama the Deliverer should be treated a wee-bit better.

But does some sophomoric poll constitute a such a real and pressing threat to the presidency that we should step on free speech? I doubt it. Facebook didn't see fit to get involved in explicit cases of  Holocaust denial, it shouldn't have gotten involved here.

What do you think? [poll id="5"]

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